Making Excellent Choices

Each day we make thousands of decisions. While most decisions determine what we do in life, many are spiritual. These decisions determine the outcome of how our day is lived. Living like Christ is not an automatic thing because we have a sin nature; we must choose to live Christ-like. Making excellent choices is vital to our future.

Making Excellent Choices #decisions #faith #life

Other than the gift of salvation, a wonderful gift God gave to us is the free will to choose. We get to make simple choices such as choosing foods we eat or don’t eat. Then there are life-changing choices like marriage, a new house, or even a new job. No matter what choice we make, we have the freedom to make it.

The outcome of our choices is something we should think about. Will we be happy with the result? What about those around us, how will they be affected by our decision making? We have to be careful when making choices; we can’t be willy-nilly on major decisions like we can on a new flavor of coffee. And even then, we may not like the choice we made. The choices we make show just who we really are.

Thankfully, we are not left alone when we have decisions to make.

Two Guides to Help in Making Excellent Choices

The Bible

– God’s word never changes. We can trust the sound guidance we receive from it. When we follow the Lord’s guidance, He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) The Bible is not a book we can pick up and read only when troubles come. It is a book we should read daily. The more we read, the more we learn how to make good choices.

The Holy Spirit

- When we trusted Jesus as our personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit entered us. (John 16:7, Ephesians 1:13) One of the many “jobs” He has is to guide us in truth. When we learn the Holy Spirit’s voice and our heart is open to His guiding, we can steer clear of trouble. Although there will be times we don’t, those times will be lesson learners.

Making Excellent Choices #decisions #faith #life

God’s Word and the Holy Spirit work together teaching and leading us to make choices. When we choose obedience to God’s Word and listen to the Holy Spirit, we shape a future full of blessings for ourselves.

Choosing to make the right choices starts today. It starts right now. Are you ready to make excellent choices?

Making Excellent Choices #decisions #faith #life