Hope: My Word for 2018

If you read a lot of personal blogs, you’ve probably seen the phrase one word for the year. Deciding on a word to focus on has been around a while and has become a rather trendy thing. Instead of setting unobtainable New Year’s resolutions, choosing to focus on a word has become a new form of resolutions. This year, I have hope. Hope: my word for 2018.

Hope: My Word for 2018

Hope: My Word for 2018

I stopped making resolutions years ago and if you dig around the blog, you’ll find a post I wrote about it way back when I was just sharing myself. When I first heard about the one word for the year, I loved the idea. In the past, I chose words and shared them while others, I just kept to myself.

Three words from my past have been SharePeace, and Faithful. Three subjects I’m working to live on a daily basis; three words which are a lifetime commitment.

I didn’t choose a word for 2017 and I didn’t think I was going to choose one for 2018, but I did. In fact, I chose two words. One for my myself and the other for my blog and business.

The first word is for me as a person and has been very predominant in my prayer life over the past year. Just recently, it became a phrase.


to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true

The word hope turned into the phrase Hope in God after reading Psalm 42. I did a little internet research on Hope in God and found this sermon on the topic.

Hope: My Word for 2018

Hope in God

a confident expectation and desire for something good in the future

It’s amazing at the difference in meanings of Hope and Hope in God.  I don’t want to have a generic hope, a hope filled with uncertainty. I want a hope filled with confidence of what I desire will be done.

My sweet friend Susan Evans left a comment on a post several weeks ago. She said, “Hope is not ever lost when we have a living God who is able to do the impossible.” Her words hit my inner core because she is right, with God hope is not lost.

The other word is for my blog and business I want to start.


1. a center of activity, attraction, or attention;  a point of concentration

2. directed attention

I have several projects in the works and focusing on them has not been easy. With the little confidence I have in myself and the projects, I have found focusing to be extremely hard. Confidence is a major role in how these are going to turn out and with the little amount I have, it’s just easier to focus my attention on other things. The past several days, I’ve been working on a schedule I hope will help.

In 2018, I’ll be Focusing on my business while keeping my Hope in God to fulfill my desires.

Are you still making New Year’s resolutions and not sticking with them? Have you considered choosing a word to focus on in the new year and see how it goes?

Hope: My Word for 2018