Wild Violet Jelly

Many consider violets to be weeds. Weeds are unwanted plants. But for me, they are a lovely wanted flower for the bees and butterflies while being used in jelly and healthy concoctions. Wild Violet Jelly is an easy way to bring the outdoors inside.

As a little girl, I loved picking flowers that grew in our yard. It only took one time of picking my mom’s only wisteria bloom that was open when she taught me not to pick anything unless it was in the grass in the middle of the yard.

One of the first food canning pins I pinned on Pinterest was for Wild Violet Jelly. I was hopefully waiting for enough violets so I could try this delicacy. Little did I know it would be almost 7 years when the yard would be full enough of violets to try my hand at making Wild Violet Jelly.

Many consider violets to be weeds. Weeds are unwanted plants. But for me, they are a lovely wanted flower for the bees and butterflies while being used in jelly and healthy concoctions.

How to make Wild Violet Jelly

Wild Violets are beautiful to look at, but they also have health benefits.

Violet leaves are full of nutrients and vitamins A and C. The leaves contain a soluble fiber similar to what we find in oats that helps reduce cholesterol.

Rutin is also found in the leaves. Rutin is shown to be an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It also helps your body to produce collagen. Don’t know if you’ve ever eat rutin? It’s found in apples.

Wild Violets can be used topically as a compress, poultice, infused in oil, and salve. Perfect for dry or chapped skin, insect bites, and scrapes.

There are many other medicinal benefits of wild violets, but just to name a few:

• Demulcent

• Anti-inflammatory

• Expectorant

• Promotes wound healing


when picking violets, pick in an area that has not been sprayed with any chemicals or where your dog has been doing his business.

When I made the violet infusion, I used a quart size mason jar with a coffee filter to cover the jar while steeping.

I knew the color of wild violet jelly would be a red color, but it was still a little disappointing watching the beautiful violet color change when I added the lime juice.

One thing I did when making the jelly, I did not follow the amount of sugar the other recipe called for. It calls for 4 cups of sugar, that is a lot of sugar for 2 cups of liquid. I started with 2 cups of sugar and tasted it. Then I added a half a cup and tasted it again. I added another half cup to make 3 cups, and that was the perfect sweetness for me and my family.

Another thing I did was to use lime juice instead of lemon. I had no lemons since I made Lemonade, so limes it was. And yes, you can do that too! Just because I used 3 cups of sugar doesn’t mean you have to. If 3 cups is not sweet enough for you, then try adding the extra cup.

EDITED TO ADD: My second batch of jelly, I made it with 4 cups of sugar. While it was sweeter than my liking, my husband and son loved it more than the first batch.

When you make jelly, be sure you are using a large enough sauce pan or it will boil over and make a colossal mess. For this jelly I used a 4 quart stock pot, normally I use a 6-8 quart pot.

A little tip: when using a liquid pectin, I cut the top off the pouch and place the pouch into a cup so it will be ready to use during the process. You don’t want anything to distract you while boiling the yummy goodness.



  • 2 cups fresh violets

  • 2 cups boiling water

  • 1/4 cup lemon or lime juice, strained

  • 4 cups sugar

  • 1 pouch Certo liquid pectin


1. Pick any stems from flowers and discard. Rinse flowers with water, drain and place in a glass mason jar. Make an infusion by pouring the boiling water over the violets and cover. Steep for 4-6 hours.

2. Strain through a fine sieve and place in a large saucepan along with lemon juice and sugar. Turn heat to high and bring to a boil and turn to medium heat and continue until a rolling boil. Stir constantly.

3. Add the Certo and boil for 2 minutes. Skim any foam off the top with a stainless steels spoon.

4. Ladle into hot, sterilized jars. Screw bands on tightly and invert on a towel for 5-10 minutes. Turn over and listen for the pop as they cool.

For any jars that do not seal, store in refrigerator


Check out my Easy Homemade Muscadine Jelly Recipe with directions.

Don’t miss my Sweet and Tangy Cucumber Jelly .

If you’re looking for an all natural method for migraines, check out my Feverfew Tea post.