A Look Back {Thankful Thursdays Linkup #86}

Several months I prayed for guidance before taking the leap. Writing a weekly subject was something I felt drawn to do, but was afraid of getting off course, as in the past and not being able to keep at it. As a member of a large blogger help group on Facebook, I found my answer, the Thankful Thursdays Linkup.

For 21 months, I’ve hosted the Thankful Thursdays Linkup.  I shared things I was grateful for and the things I was not really all that thankful for when they happened. But as I continued sharing every week, my heart softened towards them.
A Look Back On Thankful Thursdays

A Look Back on Thankful Thursdays

Over a brief time span, my Thankful Thursday posts moved on to a study of the names of the Lord found throughout the Bible. Each week, I learned much as I studied and shared what I found. Many of you left words of encouragement or a quick thought that stood out to you. Some of those thoughts and encouragements taught me even more than what I had learned; many of them are written in my devotional journal. It blesses me to know for many months what I have learned helped encourage you.

Because of the Thankful Thursdays Linkup, I have made many online friends who are striving just like me to continue in our walk of faith with the Lord. I’ve found new bloggers who have a genuine heart for the Lord and others and it shows in every word they share. My heart was softened to decisions many families are led to make with their children. Through the linkup, I was introduced to new authors and new books. My reading list is a mile long thanks to the reviews being shared. :)

Since May a lot has taken place within our family. While praying for something, the Lord shook my world. Hopefully, soon I will share our story. During this time, the Lord has shown me a project I  started three years ago that I need to finish. He has also shown me that my family  needs me during those times of visiting, reading, and scheduling links on social media (not just for Thankful Thursdays).

When I started the Thankful Thursdays Linkup, the technical goal I had was to make certain every link shared had a visit and comment by me. I understand what it is like to share a link and not receive a visit with a quick comment from the host(s).  Because of this, I wanted those who took the time to linkup to know I was grateful for them and the post they shared.

When I asked the Lord for direction on what to do in creating more hours in the day, He showed to me to not continue hosting the linkup. While I preferred to wait until the end of the month to share about this decision, the Lord has shown me now is the time.

While I will be writing my Thankful Thursday post every week (hopefully), the linkup will be put on hold until the Lord shows me differently. If/when that time comes, I’ll share it on social media.

Dear friends, I just want to thank you for sharing with me each week for I have truly been blessed. I pray each of you has been blessed by the links you’ve visited while here at Thankful Thursdays. I pray you all have a very Merry Christmas.

Since this is Thankful Thursdays, one last linkup is needed.

You can view the LINKUP HERE.