Black Bean Pizza

I love Pizza! I miss buying delivery pizza as a treat every once in a while, but homemade is always best in my book. We eat a lot of pizza here. Some months it is every week, while others it is every other week. This month  it is every other week and tonight is pizza night! I have my dough sitting in the oven with the light on, rising to it's majestic peak.

Black Bean Pizza Sauce

My sauce, it's home made also, in fact it's Jamie's sauce (it's his secret recipe). Then there is this really neat black bean "sauce" which is actually a mixture not a sauce. Don't curl up your nose when you think about black beans on your pizza.  It is a wonderful substitute for the acidic, tomato-y sauce that many with tummy troubles have to be concerned with. And, it is so good!

Here are the links to my PIZZA DOUGH and WHOLE WHEAT PIZZA DOUGH.

I found the idea of Black Bean Pizza from HERE, after searching for another recipe.  I did make a couple of changes in the bean sauce to accommodate our tastes.

I usually make three pizzas for us. Two are jelly roll pan sizes and the third is my cast iron griddle size. If you have never baked a pizza on cast iron... you SHOULD! cast iron makes the best pizza crust. Once it's baked, slide the pizza off the cast iron to cut it and slide it back on. Your cast iron will thank you!

Black Bean Pizza Sauce

  • 1 (15-ounces each) can black beans, rinsed and drained

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 2 TBSP hot sauce

  • 1 TBSP cumin

  • Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder to taste

**If you can find black bean refried beans - use them. If not, mash your beans like there is no tomorrow and add all the other ingredients. Spoon on a prepared pizza crust and top with your favorite toppings. Once your pizza is finished baking, top it with some lettuce or salad mixture and drizzle ranch dressing over the top. ~ Yummy and so good!