Modesty and Fashion

"It is hardly necessary to waste words over the so-called bikini since it is inconceivable that any girl with tact and decency would ever wear such a thing." ~Modern Girl Magazine, 1957

I am not one of these ladies who wear my skirts down to my ankles or extemely high necklines and long sleeves. I do wear jeans and long shorts in the summer and you won't find me in one of those new skirted swimdresses that come down to the knees. Being modest is something I take into consideration and always have. You don't have to be covered from throat to toe to be modest. I can be in fashion and still be modest.

I love both of these statements in this video... "Modesty doesn't have to be frumpy and dumpy." "You can dress modest without sacrificing fashion."
Be sure to listen to the part about Power and Why it has to be Itsy Bitsy.

The Girl of Yesterday and of Today

If I could talk to my teenage self,  I would love to tell the girl of yesterday – everything is going to be all right.

I saw somewhere recently a statement about how the girl from yesterday would feel about the girl of today. The statement was about the person who was doing the writing. This made me think about my girl of yesterday.  My birthday is coming up and I can't believe I'm going to be 42 in a few days. I don't feel 42, but what does 42 suppose to feel like? I like to think I still look as if I'm in my early thirties but I know the more I see small lines in my face and that one stubborn gray hair that keeps growing back, I am beginning to look my age; and I'm okay with that.

When I think back on my childhood, I would never have dreamed that I would be in my forties. Hearing about  the Lord's second coming and all the things that would have to take place, I was extremely sure I would never grow up and be married with a family all my own. I even prayed what some would consider selfish prayers in asking the Lord to wait so I could experience a husband and family.

When I think about the girl from yesterday I know she would be happy with how she turned out. That girl fulfilled her dream by being a wife and mother.

When I think back to those years, I remember how women were considered odd or feminists if they pursued dreams and goals and didn't settle down with a family. This was the teaching of a strict fundamental church. Things began to change when  Bill Clinton came to office for it was his wife; a new breed of woman who showed that women were more than just a housewife and not an unequal.  Don't get me wrong, I would never condone the things this woman stands for. Her feminist teaching  is right up there at the top of the list and over the last few years she has proven to be a true enemy of our country.

Many of the girls I went to school with are stay at home moms and they would not change it for the world. Some pursued college degrees and hung those degrees up to be at home.There are a few, who are now working towards their dreams and goals but they waited  later to pursue them.

When I was a senior in high school, I knew I would go to college and earn a degree in education; I wanted to be a teacher. It was not a dream of mine, but something I knew I could do until I had my own family. I always said, I would never home school my children after being home schooled my junior and senior years. To this day, I honestly feel that was a bad decision for my sister and I, but it is what it is and it is in the past. I always thought my future children would attend a Christian school. It's a good thing I went for a teaching degree, because we never would have been able to afford the tuition for the two years Jamie attended. He was able to be at the school with me and we were able to see each other at different times during the day.

If the girl of today could talk with the girl of yesterday, she would tell her if there is something you want to do; do it. Don't wait and think that you'll do it later because more than likely you will not. Don't settle for less when it comes to school and with a job. Don't allow anyone to make you feel you are not suppose to better yourself. Learn all you can about anything you want. Knowledge is valuable!

Today's girl would also tell, there is nothing dishonorable about being a stay at home mother. You will find love and enjoyment educating your son at home. You will find contentment making your house a home and safe haven for your husband and son. Don't let society make you feel less of a woman because you dream of being a wife and mother because in reality, you can not have both a family and a career without one suffering and more times than not the family will suffer.

A Little More About Our Family

For many, the truth hurts. When the truth is exposed, these same people will begin to attack and do anything in their power to hurt the one exposing the truth. Today, I'm sharing how our family was attacked for speaking the truth and nothing more.

My husband and I believe the Bible when it says in Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. ~ We may not agree with everything the Jews believe but God has his hand on these precious people. In the past, I worked for a Jewish man for over a year. He and his family members that worked in the company were the easiest people to get along with. They were caring and compassionate about their customers and if one was not treated fairly, they quickly remedied the problem. In fact, the CFO was fired over a situation dealing with a customer’s account. These men and their wives were open to answering questions regarding their faith and they were open in listening about mine. I can only pray that they will remember what I said in those conversations. Conversations that were pleasant and meaningful.

We also believe and follow II John 10-11 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. ~ This is something that is a scary thing for someone like me; I am a non-confrontational person. When someone tells me to have a good day, I usually respond with, “Thank you, I hope you have one to.” I try to be nice to people who come to my door. In the past, we have had to deal with many Jehovah’s Witnesses. When I think of those words in the Bible, I have to hold my tongue when they are sent on their way. I don’t hate the person, I hate what they are teaching. I see those ladies and gentlemen as souls on their way to hell. The only way you are going to be able to talk about Jesus and Salvation with a JW is when they are not in their “programmed mode”; that is not going to be at your door.

Recently, my husband and I were accused of being Muslim haters. All this came from a link about McDonald’s paying out on a lawsuit regarding the sell of non-halal certified meat. My husband and I do not buy products or support businesses that have given to the IFANCA. Just to name a few who are certified and have become members of the IFANCA~ Tom’s of Maine, Cabot Creamery, and Butterball. I’m not saying for people to stop buying products made by these companies. I’m saying, our family will not buy from these companies because we do not want our money going to the IFANCA and the support of terrorism. Why anyone would want to put money into the hands of those who have made it a point to kill Christians and Americans causes me confusion.  I will add here, I don't agree with McDonald's selling meat that is not certified, when they clearly post that they do. McDonald's was wrong in passing off uncertified chicken to paying customers. If McDonald's decides to join in with the others, we will no longer support their business.

I don’t know how many of you have walked into a Walmart store and saw a Muslim family come in and the women had their burka on; nothing on those ladies were uncovered, fingers and toes included. To see the hate filled eyes of their husbands and know that you as a lady are being “watched” with disdain. This happened in a North Carolina store, while we were on deputation; the feeling I got was extreme fear that day. I have never felt so unsafe in my life and I hope I never have to feel that again.

When I see Muslim people, I see souls bound for hell. They do not believe in the true God and Jesus Christ; they do not believe in the only way to heaven. This saddens me. The Lord did not call our family to minister to these people. But every time, an opportunity arises, my husband will boldly witness to them. Unlike other people,who hide behind the internet for fear of having their heads removed to be a true missionary to these precious souls. We are not those people.

I can't help but think about the above verse in Genesis. I'm not going to be throwing someone under the bus, because someone else thinks I need to. I'm definitely not going to be throwing someone under there that doesn't plan on hurting me or my family.

It was thrown in our face about our loss of support in 2008 when we lived in western Montana. It was told that maybe our hatred for Muslims was the reason why it happened. Let me make this clear, that is so far off base.

What I am about to tell you is something only a select few outside of our family knows. Five years later, it is time to talk about it. Our former church supported us at 50% of our needed support. It was known that Sanford would get a job in the community to learn the people and for the people to know him. We are the ones who decided that, not the church. I made myself known by joining a homeschool group. Our church voted on the 50% support and everything was good. The church also knew, for outsiders to be truly welcomed in the area, we would be there at least 5 years before being able to have a steady flow of members. 

Once we got to Montana, we emailed the pastor on a weekly basis keeping him up to date on all that was going on. When the first check was suppose to be sent, we waited 2 weeks for it. When my husband called and talked with the pastor, he gave some clues as to there would be some problems in the future. At the time, we did not really see the problems but it didn't take long for our eyes to be opened to them. Over the next several months, our support check was not sent unless we called and begged for it. In December of 2007, Sanford called and this statement was said, “if you want to keep being supported, then you need to make sure you are keeping us in the loop.” That was a kick in the teeth for us; we had been sending them updates weekly. In January, no check came and we waited. Sanford began calling and emailing the pastor and could not get a hold of him. All of our calls went straight into voice mail; to prove this to ourselves, I had my sister call the pastor and as quickly as the phone rang, he picked up.

I  don't know why we were sent to the area we were. I don't know if our landlord needed to see our situation and know that God is in control in everything. ~ I like to think they are the reasons we were there. I still pray for them every time I think about them.

To this day, we still do not know why our family was stranded by our former church. It is all in the past and we try to not talk about it. Anytime, I hear this pastor’s name and how he is traveling the world or see where his wife is traveling to ladies meetings, I still feel a little hurt about the situation. If I allow what happened to us bring back the bitterness I went through in 2008, the Lord is not going to be able to use us for his glory.

The person who did the accusing, sent me several messages stating my husband was self righteous and out of control regarding his comments and that she would be praying for me. Thank you, dear lady for your prayers, for its situations like these where I see how truly humble my husband really is. He is the one who wanted to keep others from knowing the real reason why we had to return to Georgia. He didn’t want this pastor’s name to be ruined. It was he who went up to this pastor at a local meeting and put his hand out first, spoke first and was forgiving. Sadly, I am not like him. I am thankful the Lord brought two very different people together when he brought my husband to me.

When a statement like “Sanford, I will BE SURE to let people know all about you and your ministry and the testimony you carry! Praying for you! SERIOUSLY!” is spoken to me or my husband; all we can do is shake our head. What a sad testimony this lady has given herself! I can't help but giggle when I remember my childhood pastor calling women like this, Mrs. Ratchet Jaws.

A special friend reminded me of the verse, Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Did You Miss Me?

I am so happy our internet was hooked up yesterday evening. I've been thinking about all the thoughts that have been rolling around that I wanted to write about and now that the internet is on, the thoughts have stopped rolling. Yep, I should have been taking notes on everything, but you know how it goes.

Believe it or not, there is not much snow around. We've had a about a total of 6 inches since we've been here and most of it  melted last week. We woke up to another dusting on Tuesday morning; you never know what you'll wake up to here in the mornings.

Here's a picture of our trip home from Miles City on Saturday.  The scenery in both directions is beautiful. I giggle when my husband reminds me of a comment a friend of his said about not much to see in this area. Really? I still get excited when I see this~

                                     As Phil Robertson says, I'm "HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY".

About our Town

I never dreamed our family would be living in south eastern Montana. I figured if we came back we would be living more in the central part of the state; a more populous area. I remember the first time we came to Montana; as far as you could see were rolling hills of luscious green waving grass. After a change in direction and several hours later, we were right below massive snow capped mountains. I was in awe of all the beauty that my Lord created and placed where many could enjoy it.

Over the last four and half years, I expressed I think I would rather live on the eastern side; if we were placed back in this state. It never crossed my mind the Lord would be taking into consideration of my rathers. Life here is not like it is on the other side of the state. Believe it or not there is a HUGE difference in the lifestyle and hospitality of the people between the two areas. On the western side of the state you will have a lot of transplanted Californians and others from around the country. These are people who search out a luxurious lifestyle in the many mountainous towns and cities. There are also several mining towns that speckle the mountain side. The western side of Montana is known for tourism.

Here in the eastern side of the state, you will find families who have been here for one hundred years or more making a living in farming. These are people who are up before there is even a hint of morning sun light working to care for their cattle, and other farm animals. They are the ones who pray for cooperative weather when it comes to wheat, corn and sunflowers. These are the people who depend on their farming skills to live. These are the people who will wave when they meet a passing vehicle. They are the people who have worked to instill a strong work ethic in their children. These are the people who will stand beside their neighbors and do what they can when the neighbor has hit a rough spot in their lives.

In our area you will also find oil men. There are some who have grown up in town and worked many of the odd jobs that are begging for people to come and fill. These people have seen the affects of oil and made the decision to leave their familiar jobs in search for a better life for their family. There are also many outsiders who have come in and set up a temporary home and will work in the oil fields to make a living for their family. Once their job demand slows down, they will move on to another area and another oil field.

The small town we live in has a population of less than 170. All the local stores, garages and original “city” folks have either closed up, passed on or moved away. The once active grain elevator still stands as a reminder of a day not all that long ago. This town was founded by Russian railroad workers and many of their descendants still farm the surrounding area.

From reading books about this area, this was a homesteading community. There were enough people to have seven churches; which four are still active. I visited with one of my neighbors who are up in age and own a cattle farm. They decided to move to town and allow their children to live on the farm. Hearing some of the stories of their childhood made me wish I could have been around to see how all the school aged boys would take a day off from school during the spring to go out and pick up bones from the cattle that died during the winter blizzard and sell them as a “fundraiser” for the local school. If you've ever been hammered with the bothersome fundraiser newsletter, can you imagine sending your child out to pick up bones? Yeah, me neither.

The nearest city is about 15 miles and many of the people in our town work in this larger city and grocery shop. Unfortunately, the grocery store prices have seen the affect of the oil. Our closest Walmart is about 80 miles away and our nearest mall with major stores like Costco, Lowes, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock Fabrics is 225 miles. I was a little surprised to hear how many people in this area actually drive the 225 miles so they can stock up on much needed items while saving money. We've not driven the 225 miles yet, but we’ve driven the 80 miles several times so we can save money.

I had a friend tell me she could not imagine living so far out from everything. When I think about all the conveniences we left behind when we moved; two Walmarts within ten miles, countless grocery stories and of course, the ten malls within 80 miles. We are saving so much money by not having the “oh, I need to go here” moment. Living here is definitely a lifestyle change; a change that I love, a change that I’ve experienced once before, a change that we can quickly adjust to it.

Just as soon as my husband finishes up editing some pictures, hopefully, I'll be able to post some of them.