A Busy Week

I have been busily working on finishing up Christmas presents, when the Lord put a beautiful opportunity in my path on Sunday morning. I can't believe that this has actually happened and so close to Christmas.

A week ago Sunday, I ended up being at home with Monkey not feeling well. My husband had told me about a lady and her tiny baby that visited the morning service. This lady and her baby sat in front of him and this precious child just tugged at his heart.  Fast forward to Sunday... As we were waiting for the service to begin I watched a young mother and her precious little one sit on the second pew.  My husband leaned over and told me that they had visited the week before and that they sat in front of him.

Every time, I saw the baby, I kept thinking about the little blue sweater that I knitted for a friend in Montana. Can you believe that I was hoping that baby was a boy? I wanted to give that sweater to this mom for her baby. And knit another one for our friend.

After the morning service was over, I made my way to the lady  and introduced myself. I was able to find out that the baby was a precious little girl and that they had just moved into the area from out-of-state. After talking with her, I told her that I knit and that I had a blanket that I knitted and would love for this precious little girl to have it.  The mom told me that she did not mind if I brought the blanket. Then I started talking about the size of clothes little "Precious" wore and found out that she was in 3-6 months.  To make a long story short... I started a little girl's sweater on Sunday afternoon. I have worked my fingers into a frenzy since, trying to finish knitting. As of right now, all I have to do is knit one sleeve. I'll be able to work on this throughout the day on Wednesday.  Would you believe that the other sleeve and the left front side took me 3 tries to get started and finished?  I can't believe how Satan tried to hinder the work on this sweater.  If nothing happens I should be able to block the pieces and start sewing them together on Thursday. I'll have to go to either Hobby Lobby or Hancock's Fabrics to pick out some buttons.

I have been praying for an opportunity like to arise. I love knitting and I love being able to share the items that I knit with others. I'm praying that this will open doors for this lady and little "Precious"  to keep coming and maybe even join our church.

I have been able to wrap a few Christmas presents and put them under the tree. Don't you just hate buying wrapping paper  to find out that you can see the presents through it? I do and I have done that this week.  It makes you feel like why even bother?