DIY Knitting Needles WITHOUT Power Tools

Last year, my husband made me a set of knitting needles. I was amazed at the cost of large plastic needles when I prepared to make an afghan. We were still living in the middle of nowhere Montana, and the local Walmart didn’t carry the size I wanted. And I was too far away for a quick drive to the nearest yarn store. After comparing prices, I knew I was not paying $20-25 for plastic needles. My only option was to make them. So that is what I did!
DIY Knitting Needles WITHOUT Power Tools


**Before I even began with what I bought and how I made them, I need to make this announcement. I would never do this for smaller needles for clothing. The least little difference causes problems with the finished item not being the correct size.

Another service announcement: You can make these with power tools much quicker, but if you don't have access to tools like a belt/hand sander, give this a try. This method takes time. - Just a warning for you.

Needed items: hand saw (we used a coping saw), dowel rod, sandpaper (80,150,220,and 400 grit), something to put on the end of the needles (large buttons), and spray clear coat (optional).

For the first pair of needles, I bought a ¾ inch dowel rod because it was the closest to a size 50 needle without being to hard too work with. I already had the sandpaper, the buttons, the hot glue, and the clear coat spray. So, I only spent $3.00 on them.

DETERMINE THE LENGTH. On the first pair, I measured the rod at 13 inches. I wish I would have cut them longer because I had to squish the yarn on the needles while knitting the last little bit of stitches. It’s better for the needles to be a little too long than not long enough and risk the end piece coming off along with all your stitches.  I worked on a new pair of needles for a different size afghan, so I had them cut to  18 inches. If I remember, the rod in the picture is  ½ inch.

Cut the rod to desired length.

Sand down the rough ends using the 80 grit paper.

The next step, form the point. My husband held the rod at an angle to start the formation.

Once the point is formed, you can do two things. You can cut/whittle down the point to save time, or use the 80 grit sandpaper and sand the point down. Whittling keeps your hand from cramping, but if you are not comfortable with “shaving” down the wood, then using the sandpaper is the best way to go. (Just remember, it will take time.)

When you have your point made, switch to the 150 grit sand paper and smooth it and  the needle. Change to the 220 grit paper and sand. For the finishing smoothness, switch to the 400 grit.

If you choose to use a spray clear coat, now is the time to use it. Be sure to let each coat thoroughly dry before adding another. The first set of needles I used it, but the second set, I did not. So far, I haven’t had any problems with them.

Attach whatever you are using as the end stop of the needle.

Now, put them to use and knit something beautiful.

Don’t waste your time searching for large needles. Don’t waste $20 or more for a pair to only knit large projects.

Save Your Money, Make Your Own, and Work a Little Effort into a Pair – You’ll be glad you did!

Have you made your own knitting needles or something else similar to keep from spending a bunch of money?

A Busy Week

I have been busily working on finishing up Christmas presents, when the Lord put a beautiful opportunity in my path on Sunday morning. I can't believe that this has actually happened and so close to Christmas.

A week ago Sunday, I ended up being at home with Monkey not feeling well. My husband had told me about a lady and her tiny baby that visited the morning service. This lady and her baby sat in front of him and this precious child just tugged at his heart.  Fast forward to Sunday... As we were waiting for the service to begin I watched a young mother and her precious little one sit on the second pew.  My husband leaned over and told me that they had visited the week before and that they sat in front of him.

Every time, I saw the baby, I kept thinking about the little blue sweater that I knitted for a friend in Montana. Can you believe that I was hoping that baby was a boy? I wanted to give that sweater to this mom for her baby. And knit another one for our friend.

After the morning service was over, I made my way to the lady  and introduced myself. I was able to find out that the baby was a precious little girl and that they had just moved into the area from out-of-state. After talking with her, I told her that I knit and that I had a blanket that I knitted and would love for this precious little girl to have it.  The mom told me that she did not mind if I brought the blanket. Then I started talking about the size of clothes little "Precious" wore and found out that she was in 3-6 months.  To make a long story short... I started a little girl's sweater on Sunday afternoon. I have worked my fingers into a frenzy since, trying to finish knitting. As of right now, all I have to do is knit one sleeve. I'll be able to work on this throughout the day on Wednesday.  Would you believe that the other sleeve and the left front side took me 3 tries to get started and finished?  I can't believe how Satan tried to hinder the work on this sweater.  If nothing happens I should be able to block the pieces and start sewing them together on Thursday. I'll have to go to either Hobby Lobby or Hancock's Fabrics to pick out some buttons.

I have been praying for an opportunity like to arise. I love knitting and I love being able to share the items that I knit with others. I'm praying that this will open doors for this lady and little "Precious"  to keep coming and maybe even join our church.

I have been able to wrap a few Christmas presents and put them under the tree. Don't you just hate buying wrapping paper  to find out that you can see the presents through it? I do and I have done that this week.  It makes you feel like why even bother?

Our Weekend

I think I might be starting to get OLD!!! Yep, I said it. I am really having a hard time remembering things right now. I know what you are thinking~ everybody forgets something every once in a while. I have noticed lately that I tend to forget about posting. Some days I think it's because there is nothing really interesting going on. Then there are those days, that we have so much going on, I really can't make it over to the computer, long enough to drop in.

So here is an update on our weekend. On Friday, we spent the day in the mountains. I promise, every time we decide to go somewhere, lately, it RAINS!!!! I'm not complaining about the rain, because we really need it. Honestly, over the last couple of weeks, any time we left the house to go somewhere, it rained. The rain ruined any chance on us getting pictures of the leaves. I tell you, you would not believe the colors.  Fall is my favorite time of year. I love riding down the road(on a rainy day) and being able to look through the woods and see the yellows. This is not the brownish yellow, but the Golden Yellow. The color is so enticing, it makes you want to just pull over and spend quality time walking through the woods. We did walk some while it wasn't raining. We were able to pick up some leaves to use in our Nature Notebook. The temperature was perfect. It was about 60 degrees, just cool enough to give a slight chill, while letting you know that fall is here.

While driving further north, we were able to see some of the most beautiful crimson leaves that dotted a background of yellows, greens and oranges.  I have to tell you a secret... The Rocky Mountains have nothing on the North Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee mountains. Yes, they have beautiful snow capped mountains,peaks and ridges but there is nothing like the beautiful foliage you can see here in the fall.

Before we left for the mountains on Friday, we stopped at the Yarn Garden.  I have been wanting to stop at this store for sometime now. I finally made it to the shop when they were open. I was so inspired. I watched one lady knit a pair of socks using the double pointed needles. Amazing!!! I was even inspired enough to buy some yarn. This yarn is called "Cotton Kisses" by Plymouth Yarn Co. I bought it in the blue. The neat thing about this ball of yarn, is that it comes with the instructions and the buttons for the most adorable little baby's sweater and it only takes one ball. When I was talking to the lady about how cute the little sweater was and  how easy it looked. She told me all the stitches were either a continuing knit stitch or a purl stitch ( I know that there is a word for that, I just don't know it!). Well, I can do both of those, I told her and so I grabbed a ball of yarn.  I really miss not being able to visit a "real" yarn shop. There is a really neat yarn shop in Montana, that I loved visiting and getting inspiration. Well, I now have set my sights on having a new favorite store.

It was not until after I got back in the car, when fear set in. I could not believe that I just spent $15.00 on one ball of yarn. What was I thinking about trying to knit a sweater? The encouragement that I received in the store was gone. My sweet husband and son both told me, "You can do it, just take your time and only work on it when there is nothing important needing to be done."  What sweet words to hear. Now that I have finished a couple of very small projects,  I'll be starting that adorable sweater this week.

Saturday, I spent straightening up and some light dusting. Today, we went to church and had wonderful services.  I hope you all have had a great weekend.