Gettin' It Done Thanksgiving Week

I don’t have a lot to share today other than my Gettin’ It Done Cleaning List. I wanted to post it earlier but after going hunting with my husband and trying to finish up my Thankful Thursdays post that went out early this week, I was brain dead on writing what I wanted to share.

The last free week for cleaning was in the middle of my 31 Days of Homemaking Series so I didn’t share my list that week. With all the writing I was doing at that time, I was numb. But I’ve been looking forward to this week because I wanted to make sure I shared what was going on here.
Gettin' It Done - Thanksgiving Week - It' Not All About Cooking and Baking

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Gettin' It Done - Thanksgiving Week

The room for deep cleaning this week – the bathroom. I am so thankful that little room is indeed LITTLE. It doesn’t take much time to deep clean because I’ve started using The Works in my toilet and Scrub Free Shower Spray in the tub again.

I stumbled across The Works in our Chemistry book. It was recommended for an experiment and since I was not going to need the whole bottle for said experiment I decided to try cleaning the toilet. Our water is horrible and leaves a green buildup on everything since the cleaner has hydrochloric acid it I knew it should work to blast away the build up.

I remember when Scrub Free came out. We were newly married and my sister in law mentioned using it. After scrubbing the tub and using it every day, I was impressed. It’s been years since I’ve used it, but with this horrible water, I knew something was going to have to be done because I just don’t like scrubbing the tub every few days.

Since I don’t do a lot of cooking for Thanksgiving and I have a deer tag that needs to be filled, I’m going hunting Thursday morning with my husband and son as long as it is not snowing. Here’s my menu for Thanksgiving: Ham, Green Bean Casserole, Corn Pudding, Deviled Eggs, and Sweet Potato Pie. The pies will be cooked on Wednesday and the green bean and corn dishes will be readied for baking on Wednesday night.

My quilt squares are coming right along. I decided to make the quilt just a wee bit bigger than I had planned so I needed a few more squares to piece together. Hopefully, this quilt will be completed sometime next year. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

I have some gifts I’m knitting. I have some of the adorable boot cuffs for my niece going right now. After seeing how cute these are, makes me wish I wore boots – not really. I have a friend who is expecting a precious baby girl in February who will be receiving a special gift in the mail. Just as soon as it is finished and she receives it, I’ll post a picture.

I hope you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving
with your family and don’t eat too much!