Easy Pickled Squash Recipe

Several years ago, my sister gave me her recipe for Pickled Squash with a jar full of the sweet tangy goodness. She found the recipe in an older Amish cookbook she bought. Never underestimate an older church or community cookbook; they hold a treasure trove.

Easy Pickled Squash Recipe frogslilypad.net

One bite from that first jar and my husband was hooked. Every summer he asks me to pickle some of the squash. This year was no different.

This recipe is a little late for our area (zone 7b) and further south. If you are still waiting on your squash to come in, now’s the time to plan to make your very own delicious Pickled Squash.

This year we planted a variety of squash in our garden. The ever so faithful yellow crooked neck squash, which is what today’s post is about. The cute little

Patty Pan

sunburst squash, which are a lot of fun to watch while they grow. And two types of zucchini (they’re a squash in case you didn’t know) Spineless Beauty and the most adorable

Eight Ball

– another fun one to watch grow. 

Easy Pickled Squash 

I can’t tell you how easy it is to make Pickled Squash. It is super easy and you don’t have to have any special equipment besides the canning jars. You don’t even need a pressure canner or a water bath canner. If you have a large stockpot, deep enough to place enough water to cover the jars, you can use that.

The original recipe calls for bell pepper and celery seed. I’ve never used the celery seed and this year, I forgot to add the bell pepper.

Who am I kidding

? I didn’t forget, our bell pepper just hadn’t grown enough for this batch. I was also a little stubborn because I didn’t want any store-bought veggies in the pickles. So the pictures don’t have any bell pepper. Either way, these turned out super yummy.

Choose small squash. Small squash means fewer large seeds. When slicing, you will want to slice them thin. Several batches ago, I had some squash that did not get sliced thin enough. All I can say is I did not care for those pieces. Just remember, you want thin sliced squash.

Wash the squash and cut the ends off.

Easy Pickled Squash Recipe - frogslilypad.net

An hour before you are ready to make the pickles, you will need to soak the squash and onions in a salt-ice bath. You’ll put ice on top of the veggies and then pour the salt on top of the ice. When I soak my squash and onions, I do it while I’m slicing my bell peppers or while I’m getting other things ready. In the last 5 minutes of soaking the squash and onions, push the bell peppers into the ice.

After the full hour is up, you’ll rinse the salt off the squash. Be sure to rinse it well.

You’ll need a large pot to make the pickle brine because you will add the veggies to the pot and boil them.

Easy Pickled Squash Recipe - frogslilypad.net

When filling the jars, just ladle the squash along with the brine into the jars. Sometimes, I even have extra liquid left over. I put it in the refrigerator and save it in case I have extra squash that I need to do something with.

Whatever you do, keep one jar out for the refrigerator, you’ll thank me.

Water bath canning is super easy. Just make sure your water is already hot when placing the jars in. Then all you have to do is cover the jar lids with about an inch of hot water and then boil for 15 minutes. At the end of 15 minutes, remove the jars from the water and place them on a towel to cool and listen for the pings.

Easy Pickled Squash


  • 8 cups thinly sliced yellow squash (about 2 ½ pounds)

  • 2 cups sliced onion

  • 4 bell peppers, sliced

  • 2 cups vinegar

  • 3 cups sugar

  • 2 teaspoon mustard seed

  • 1 jar pimento peppers

  • ½ cup salt


In a large container, place the squash and onions, cover with ice and sprinkle the salt over the top. Set aside for one hour. In the last 5 minutes, place the bell peppers in with the squash and onions.

Drain and rinse well.

In a large pot add vinegar, sugar, and mustard seeds and bring to a boil. Add squash, bell peppers, and pimentos and bring to a full rolling boil. Ladle into sterilized jars and seal. Process 15 minutes in a hot water bath.

Easy Pickled Squash Recipe frogslilypad.net